In this example you can control a block that shoots 3 types of blocks. The control instructions are on the applet screen.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class ShooterShootingExample001 extends Applet implements Runnable {
Graphics bufferGraphics;
Image offscreen;
int px; // player x coordinate.
int py; // player y coordinate.
int pw = 16; // player width.
int ph = 16; // player height.
boolean pmoveup = false; // player move up.
boolean pmovedown = false; // player move down.
int shoottype = 0; // shooting , 0 = no shot, 1 = type 1, 2 = type 2, 3 = type 3
long lastshottime = 0;
int numshots = 32;
double shots[][] = new double[ numshots ][ 5 ]; //active, x, y, mx, my
int shotw = 3; // shot width.
int shoth = 3; // shot height.
public void init() {
offscreen = createImage(getSize().width,getSize().height);
bufferGraphics = offscreen.getGraphics();
px = 16;
py = getSize().height / 2 - ph / 2;
// Start the runnable thread.
new Thread(this).start();
public void run() {
for(;;) { // animation loop never ends
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
public void update (Graphics g)
bufferGraphics.clearRect( 0 , 0 , getSize().width , getSize().height );
bufferGraphics.setColor ( Color.white );
bufferGraphics.drawString( "Sidescroller Shooter Shooting Example." , 10 , 10 );
bufferGraphics.drawString( "use : w and s to move up and down." , 10 , 20 );
bufferGraphics.drawString( "use : i , o and p to shoot." , 10 , 30 );
bufferGraphics.setColor( );
// draw shots.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numshots ; i++ ){
if ( shots[ i ][ 0 ] == 1 ){
bufferGraphics.fillOval( (int)shots[ i ][ 1 ] , (int)shots[ i ][ 2 ] , shotw , shoth );
// draw player.
bufferGraphics.fillRect( px , py , pw , ph );
public boolean keyUp (Event e, int key){
if ( key == 119 ){ // w key, up
pmoveup = false;
if ( key == 115 ){ // s key, down
pmovedown = false;
if ( key == 105 ){ // i key, fire 1
shoottype = 0;
if ( key == 111 ){ // o key, fire 2
shoottype = 0;
if ( key == 112 ){ // p key, fire 3
shoottype = 0;
return true;
public boolean keyDown (Event e, int key){
if ( key == 119 ){ // w key, up
pmoveup = true;
if ( key == 115 ){ // s key, down
pmovedown = true;
if ( key == 105 ){ // i key, fire 1
shoottype = 1;
if ( key == 111 ){ // o key, fire 2
shoottype = 2;
if ( key == 112 ){ // p key, fire 3
shoottype = 3;
System.out.println ("Charakter: " + (char)key + " Integer Value: " + key);
return true;
public void moveplayer(){
if ( pmoveup ){
if ( py > 30 ){
if ( pmovedown ){
if ( py < getSize().height - ph ){
public void playershoot(){
int n = -1;
if ( lastshottime < System.currentTimeMillis() ){
if ( shoottype == 1 ){
n = getemptyshot();
if ( n > -1 ){
shots[ n ][ 0 ] = 1;
shots[ n ][ 1 ] = px + pw;
shots[ n ][ 2 ] = py + ph / 2;
shots[ n ][ 3 ] = 3;
shots[ n ][ 4 ] = 0;
if ( shoottype == 2 ){
n = getemptyshot();
if ( n > -1 ){
shots[ n ][ 0 ] = 1;
shots[ n ][ 1 ] = px + pw;
shots[ n ][ 2 ] = py + ph / 2;
shots[ n ][ 3 ] = 3;
shots[ n ][ 4 ] = 0;
n = getemptyshot();
if ( n > -1 ){
shots[ n ][ 0 ] = 1;
shots[ n ][ 1 ] = px + pw;
shots[ n ][ 2 ] = py + ph / 2;
shots[ n ][ 3 ] = 3;
shots[ n ][ 4 ] = -2;
n = getemptyshot();
if ( n > -1 ){
shots[ n ][ 0 ] = 1;
shots[ n ][ 1 ] = px + pw;
shots[ n ][ 2 ] = py + ph / 2;
shots[ n ][ 3 ] = 3;
shots[ n ][ 4 ] = 2;
if ( shoottype == 3 ){
n = getemptyshot();
if ( n > -1 ){
shots[ n ][ 0 ] = 1;
shots[ n ][ 1 ] = px + pw;
shots[ n ][ 2 ] = py + ph / 2;
shots[ n ][ 3 ] = 3;
shots[ n ][ 4 ] = 0;
n = getemptyshot();
if ( n > -1 ){
shots[ n ][ 0 ] = 1;
shots[ n ][ 1 ] = px + pw;
shots[ n ][ 2 ] = py + ph / 2;
shots[ n ][ 3 ] = 3;
shots[ n ][ 4 ] = -2;
n = getemptyshot();
if ( n > -1 ){
shots[ n ][ 0 ] = 1;
shots[ n ][ 1 ] = px + pw;
shots[ n ][ 2 ] = py + ph / 2;
shots[ n ][ 3 ] = 3;
shots[ n ][ 4 ] = 2;
n = getemptyshot();
if ( n > -1 ){
shots[ n ][ 0 ] = 1;
shots[ n ][ 1 ] = px + pw;
shots[ n ][ 2 ] = py + ph / 2;
shots[ n ][ 3 ] = 0;
shots[ n ][ 4 ] = -3;
n = getemptyshot();
if ( n > -1 ){
shots[ n ][ 0 ] = 1;
shots[ n ][ 1 ] = px + pw;
shots[ n ][ 2 ] = py + ph / 2;
shots[ n ][ 3 ] = 0;
shots[ n ][ 4 ] = 3;
lastshottime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 300;
public int getemptyshot(){
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numshots ; i++ ){
if ( shots[ i ][ 0 ] == 0 ){
return i;
return -1;
public void updateshots(){
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numshots ; i++ ){
if ( shots[ i ][ 0 ] == 1 ){
// Update the shots location on the screen.
shots[ i ][ 1 ] += shots[ i ][ 3 ];
shots[ i ][ 2 ] += shots[ i ][ 4 ];
// If the shots get outside of the screen then disable them.
if ( shots[ i ][ 1 ] > getSize().width ){
shots[ i ][ 0 ] = 0;
if ( shots[ i ][ 2 ] < 0 - shoth ){
shots[ i ][ 0 ] = 0;
if ( shots[ i ][ 2 ] > getSize().height ){
shots[ i ][ 0 ] = 0;
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