I was reading through sourcecode and found that I was not that familiar with the shown method of using a boolean. When placing a ! before a variable you can see if it is set to false.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class exclamationbooleanvalueExample001 extends Applet {
// create a boolean and set its value to false
boolean the = false;
public void init() {
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawString( "! Example" , 10, 10 );
g.drawString( "boolean the = false;" , 10 , 30 );
g.drawString( "if ( !the ) { " , 10 , 40 );
// if the is false then draw a message on the screen.
if ( !the ) {
g.drawString( "the value is false." , 10 , 70 );
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