I made another example. This time a group of enemies fly in a circular pattern through the screen. In a shooter this would be a interesting challenge. When the enemies are done flying through the screen another wave starts. The code below shows how it is made.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class SideScrollingAttackWave001 extends Applet implements Runnable {
Graphics bufferGraphics;
Image offscreen;
int numenemies = 16;
double enemies[][] = new double[ numenemies ][ 8 ]; // active, x , y , mx , angle , radius , locx,locy
int enemyw = 16;
int enemyh = 16;
public void init() {
offscreen = createImage(getSize().width,getSize().height);
bufferGraphics = offscreen.getGraphics();
// Start the runnable thread.
new Thread(this).start();
public void initiateattackwave(){
// initiate the attack wave
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++ ){
enemies[ i ][ 0 ] = 1;
enemies[ i ][ 1 ] = 0;
enemies[ i ][ 2 ] = 0;
enemies[ i ][ 3 ] = -.2;
enemies[ i ][ 4 ] = i * 16;
enemies[ i ][ 5 ] = 100;
enemies[ i ][ 6 ] = getSize().width;
enemies[ i ][ 7 ] = getSize().height / 2 - 8;
public void run() {
boolean noleft;
for(;;) { // animation loop never ends
// update the enemies
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numenemies ; i++ ){
if ( enemies[ i ][ 0 ] == 1 ){
enemies[ i ][ 6 ] += enemies[ i ][ 3 ];
enemies[ i ][ 4 ] += .5;
if ( enemies[ i ][ 4 ] > 360 ){
enemies[ i ][ 4 ] = 0;
enemies[ i ][ 1 ] = Math.sin( Math.toRadians(
enemies[ i ][ 4 ] ) )
* enemies[ i ][ 5 ]
+ enemies[ i ][ 6 ];
enemies[ i ][ 2 ] = Math.cos( Math.toRadians(
enemies[ i ][ 4 ] ) )
* enemies[ i ][ 5 ]
+ enemies[ i ][ 7 ];
if ( enemies[ i ][ 6 ] < -70 ){
enemies[ i ][ 0 ] = 0;
// if there are no more active enemies then initiate new wave.
noleft = true;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numenemies ; i++ ){
if ( enemies[ i ][ 0 ] == 1 ){
noleft = false;
if ( noleft ){
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
public void update (Graphics g)
bufferGraphics.clearRect( 0 , 0 , getSize().width , getSize().height );
bufferGraphics.setColor ( Color.white );
bufferGraphics.drawString( "Sidescroller Attack Wave Example." , 10 , 10 );
bufferGraphics.setColor( Color.red );
// Draw the enemies
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numenemies ; i++ ){
if ( enemies[ i ][ 0 ] == 1 ){
bufferGraphics.fillRect( (int)enemies[ i ][ 1 ] ,
(int)enemies[ i ][ 2 ] ,
enemyw ,
enemyh );
Always good tutorial, good job! :]