I downloaded a videogame remake called Chuck Rock. In that game there are rocks that you can carry, pickup and put down and throw. I spend a while recreating that.
Not everything is ok. The rock being carried is not moved correctly and you move at a same speed with small and bug rocks. I also made the code a bit longer than it could of been.
I also had no Internet access this weekend and could not get arraylists working with booleans and Doubles so I had to use regular arrays.
Here is the code. It should compile if you paste it in your java editor and have the right project name assigned to it.
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;
public class RocksGameExample01 extends Applet implements Runnable
private boolean debugmode = true;
Random r = new Random();
// Graphics for double buffering.
Graphics bufferGraphics;
Image offscreen;
// The Images for the blocks that can be picked up
// and thrown and jumped on.
Image rock1;
private int rock1height = 20;
private int rock1width = 16;
Image rock2;
private int rock2height = 8;
private int rock2width = 16;
private int numrocks = 10;
private boolean[] rockexists = new boolean[numrocks];
private int[] rockx = new int[numrocks];
private int[] rocky = new int[numrocks];
private int[] rockwidth = new int[numrocks];
private int[] rockheight = new int[numrocks];
private double[] rockincy = new double[numrocks];
private double[] rockvely = new double[numrocks];
private int[] rocktype = new int[numrocks];
private boolean[] rockisfalling = new boolean[numrocks];
// ArrayList< Integer > rockx = new ArrayList< Integer >();
// ArrayList< Integer > rocky = new ArrayList< Integer >();
// ArrayList< Integer > rocktype = new ArrayList< Integer >();
// ArrayList< Integer > rockincy = new ArrayList< Integer >();
// Player Image
Image player;
private int playerwidth = 16;
private int playerheight = 32;
Image playersquat;
private int playersquatwidth = playerwidth;
private int playersquatheight = playerheight/2;
private int[][] debugrect = new int[10][10];
// Player position
private int xpos = 0;
private int ypos = 0;
private int groundlevel = 0;
private boolean isjumping = false;
private boolean isfalling = false;
private double gravity = 0.0;
private double gravityinc = 0.08;
private boolean playermoveright = false;
private boolean playermoveleft = false;
private boolean playerfacingleft = false;
private boolean playerfacingright = true;
private int startingjumpspeed = 2;
private boolean playerpickuprock = false;
private boolean playersquated = false;
private boolean isonrock = false;
private boolean playercaryingrock = false;
private int rockbeingcarried = 0;
private boolean playerthrowrock = false;
private boolean playerputrockback = false;
private int rockbeingthrowed = 0;
private boolean rockisbeingthrowed = false;
private int rockthrowheight = 0;
private double rockthrowx = 0;
private double rockthrowy = 0;
private double rockthrowvelx = 0;
private double rockthrowvely = 0;
private double rockthrowincx = 0;
private double rockthrowincy = 0;
private boolean rockgoingup = false;
private boolean rockgoingdown = false;
private boolean rockgoingright = false;
private boolean rockgoingleft = false;
private boolean rockliftingmode = false;
private boolean rockputtingdownmode = false;
private int rockdesty = 0;
private boolean startsquat = false;
private boolean endsquat = false;
public void init()
offscreen = createImage(getSize().width,getSize().height);
bufferGraphics = offscreen.getGraphics();
// create the player image
player = createImage(playerwidth,playerheight);
Graphics test1 = player.getGraphics();
// create the player image
playersquat = createImage(playersquatwidth,playersquatheight);
Graphics test4 = playersquat.getGraphics();
// create block 1 image
rock1 = createImage(rock1width,rock1height);
Graphics test2 = rock1.getGraphics();
test2.setColor(new Color(100,100,100));
// create block 2 image
rock2 = createImage(rock2width,rock2height);
Graphics test3 = rock2.getGraphics();
test3.setColor(new Color(100,100,100));
xpos = getSize().width / 2;
ypos = getSize().height / 2 + 32 - playerheight ;
groundlevel = getSize().height / 2 + 32;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ){
new Thread(this).start();
public int getfreerock(){
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numrocks ; i++ ){
if( rockexists[i] == false ) return i;
return -1;
public boolean addrock(){
int tp = r.nextInt(2);
int n = getfreerock();
//System.out.println("block "+n);
if( n == -1 ) return false;
rockexists[n] = true;
rocktype[n] = tp;
int x1=0;
int y1=0;
boolean exitthis = false;
while(exitthis == false ){
x1 = r.nextInt(getSize().width)-74;
y1 = groundlevel-getrockheight(n);
if(rockrockcollide(x1,y1,tp) == false){
rockx[n] = x1;
rocky[n] = y1;
rockwidth[n] = getrockwidth(n);
rockheight[n] = getrockheight(n);
rocktype[n] = tp;
rockincy[n] = .1;
rockvely[n] = 1;
exitthis = true;
return true;
public boolean playeronrock(int x , int y){
// only the bottom of the player and the
// top of the rocks need to be checked.
int x1 = xpos+x;
int y1 = ypos+y+playerheight;
int w1 = playerwidth;
int h1 = 1;
int x2 = 0;
int y2 = 0;
int w2 = 0;
int h2 = 0;
for(int n = 0 ; n < numrocks ; n++){
if( rockexists[n] == true ){
x2 = rockx[n];
y2 = rocky[n];
w2 = rockwidth[n];
h2 = rockheight[n];
Rectangle rec1 = new Rectangle(x1,y1+h1-1,w1,1);
Rectangle rec2 = new Rectangle(x2,y2,w2,1);
if(rec1.intersects(rec2)) return true;
return false;
public int getrockheight(int num){
if(rocktype[num] == 1){
return rock1height;
return rock2height;
// return 0;
public int getrockwidth(int num){
if(rocktype[num] == 1){
return rock1width;
return rock2width;
//return 0;
public boolean dorockfall(){
int x1,y1,w1,h1;
for( int i = 0 ; i < numrocks ; i++ ){
if(i != rockbeingcarried ){
if( rockisfalling[i] == false){
if( rocky[i] + rockheight[i] < groundlevel && rocktopcollide(rockx[i],rocky[i],rocktype[i]) == false){
rockisfalling[i] = true;
rockvely[i] = 1;
if( rockisfalling[i] == true ){
boolean falld = true;
for( int n = 0 ; n < rockvely[i] ; n++ ){
if (rocktopcollide(rockx[i],rocky[i],rocktype[i])){
//System.out.println("rock landed on other rock top");
rockisfalling[i] = false;
falld = false;
if( rocky[i] + rockheight[i]+1 > groundlevel ){
//System.out.println("Rock landed on ground.");
rockisfalling[i] = false;
falld = false;
if (falld == true){
rockvely[i] += rockincy[i];
return true;
public boolean rocktopcollide(int x , int y, int tp2){
// get the rock n variables
int w1 = 0;
int h1 = 0;
int w2 = 0;
int h2 = 0;
int x2 = x;
int y2 = y;
if(tp2 == 1){
w2 = rock1width;
h2 = rock1height;
w2 = rock2width;
h2 = rock2height;
// loop through all rocks
for(int i = 0 ; i < numrocks ; i++ ){
if(rockexists[i] == true ){
int x1 = rockx[i];
int y1 = rocky[i];
int tp1 = rocktype[i];
if((x1 != x2) && (y1 != y2)){
if(tp1 == 1){
w1 = rock1width;
h1 = rock1height;
w1 = rock2width;
h1 = rock2height;
//debugrect[0][0] = 1;
//debugrect[0][1] = x1;
//debugrect[0][2] = y1;
//debugrect[0][3] = w1;
//debugrect[0][4] = h1;
//debugrect[1][0] = 1;
//debugrect[1][1] = x2;
//debugrect[1][2] = y2;
//debugrect[1][3] = w2;
//debugrect[1][4] = h2;
Rectangle rec1 = new Rectangle(x1,y1-1,w1,1);
Rectangle rec2 = new Rectangle(x2,y2+h2-1,w2,1);
if(rec1.intersects(rec2)) return true;
return false;
public boolean rockrockcollide(int x , int y, int tp2){
// get the rock n variables
int w1 = 0;
int h1 = 0;
int w2 = 0;
int h2 = 0;
int x2 = x;
int y2 = y;
if(tp2 == 1){
w2 = rock1width;
h2 = rock1height;
w2 = rock2width;
h2 = rock2height;
// loop through all rocks
for(int i = 0 ; i < numrocks ; i++ ){
int x1 = rockx[i];
int y1 = rocky[i];
int tp1 = rocktype[i];
if(tp1 == 1){
w1 = rock1width;
h1 = rock1height;
w1 = rock2width;
h1 = rock2height;
Rectangle rec1 = new Rectangle(x1,y1,w1,h1);
Rectangle rec2 = new Rectangle(x2,y2,w2,h2);
if(rec1.intersects(rec2)) return true;
return false;
public int moveplayer(int x, int y, int callloc){
if(iscollision(xpos + x , ypos + y ) == true ) return callloc;
xpos += x;
ypos += y;
return callloc;
public boolean iscollision(int x, int y){
if(x < 0 || x > getSize().width - playerwidth ) return true;
if(y < 0 || y > groundlevel-playerheight ) return true;
return false;
public int playerinfrontofrock(){
int x1 = xpos;
int y1 = ypos;
int w1 = playersquatwidth;
int h1 = playersquatheight;
int x2 = 0;
int y2 = 0;
int w2 = 0;
int h2 = 0;
int[] rc = new int[numrocks];
int rccnt = 0;
for(int n = 0 ; n < numrocks ; n++){
if( rockexists[n] == true ){
x2 = rockx[n];
y2 = rocky[n];
w2 = rockwidth[n];
h2 = rockheight[n];
Rectangle rec1 = new Rectangle(x1,y1,w1,h1);
Rectangle rec2 = new Rectangle(x2,y2,w2,h2);
if( rec1.intersects(rec2) == true ) {
rc[rccnt] = n;
//System.out.println("Number of rocks :"+rccnt+" rock:"+n);
if(rccnt > 0){
int lowest = 0;
int rockval = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < rccnt ; i++ ){
//System.out.println("looping :"+i);
if( rocky[rc[i]] > lowest ){
lowest = rocky[rc[i]];
rockval = rc[i];
return rockval;
return -1;
public boolean pickuprock(){
//System.out.println("pickup rock method..");
int z = playerinfrontofrock();
if(z == -1) return false;
//playercaryingrock = true;
rockbeingcarried = z;
rockdesty = ypos-rockheight[rockbeingcarried];
//System.out.println("rockdesty : " + rockdesty + " rocky " + rocky[rockbeingcarried]);
rockliftingmode = true;
rockx[rockbeingcarried] = xpos;
//rocky[rockbeingcarried] = ypos-rockheight[rockbeingcarried];
//System.out.println("Picked up " + z);
return true;
public boolean putrockback(){
rockx[rockbeingcarried] = xpos;
//rocky[rockbeingcarried] = groundlevel-rockheight[rockbeingcarried];
rockdesty = groundlevel-rockheight[rockbeingcarried];
rockputtingdownmode = true;
//playercaryingrock = false;
//rockbeingcarried = -1;
return true;
public boolean rockthrow(){
if( rockisbeingthrowed == false) return false;
rockthrowx += rockthrowvelx;
rockthrowvelx -= rockthrowincx;
rockthrowx -= rockthrowvelx;
rockthrowvelx -= rockthrowincx;
rockthrowy -= rockthrowvely;
rockthrowvely -= rockthrowincy;
}else{ // rockgoingdown
for(int t = 0 ; t < (int)rockthrowvely ; t++){
if( rocky[rockbeingthrowed] + rockthrowheight > groundlevel){
//System.out.println("Rock landed on gourndlevel");
rockgoingdown = false;
rocky[rockbeingthrowed] = groundlevel-rockthrowheight;
rockisbeingthrowed = false;
return true;
if(rocktopcollide( rockx[rockbeingthrowed] , rocky[rockbeingthrowed]+t , rocktype[rockbeingthrowed] ) == true ) {
//System.out.println("collided rock vs rock");
rockgoingdown = false;
rockisbeingthrowed = false;
rocky[rockbeingthrowed] = rocky[rockbeingthrowed]+t;
return true;
rockthrowy += rockthrowvely;
rockthrowvely += rockthrowincy;
if(rockthrowvelx < 0){
rockthrowvelx = 0;
rockthrowincx = 0;
rockgoingright = false;
rockgoingleft = false;
if(rockthrowvely < 0 && rockgoingup){
rockthrowvely = 0;
rockgoingup = false;
rockgoingdown = true;
rockx[rockbeingthrowed] = (int)rockthrowx;
rocky[rockbeingthrowed] = (int)rockthrowy;
return true;
public void playercode(){
startsquat = false;
playersquated = true;
ypos += playerheight/2;
playerheight = playerheight/2;
if(endsquat && rockputtingdownmode == false && rockliftingmode == false){
endsquat = false;
playersquated = false;
ypos -= playerheight;
playerheight = playerheight * 2;
if( rocky[rockbeingcarried] == rockdesty){
rockliftingmode = false;
//System.out.println("rock has been lifted up");
playercaryingrock = true;
if(rocky[rockbeingcarried] == rockdesty){
rockputtingdownmode = false;
playercaryingrock = false;
//System.out.println("Rock has been put down.");
rockbeingcarried = -1;
if( playerputrockback ){
playerputrockback = false;
if( playerthrowrock ){
//System.out.println("In setup pf throw rock..");
playerthrowrock = false;
rockgoingdown = false;
rockgoingleft = false;
rockgoingright = false;
rockgoingup = true;
if( playerfacingright ){
rockgoingright = true;
rockgoingleft = true;
rockthrowvelx = 3;
rockthrowvely = 2;
rockthrowincx = .05;
rockthrowincy = .1;
rockthrowx = rockx[rockbeingcarried];
rockthrowy = rocky[rockbeingcarried];
rockthrowheight = rock1height;
rockthrowheight = rock2height;
rockisbeingthrowed = true;
rockbeingthrowed = rockbeingcarried;
playercaryingrock = false;
if(playercaryingrock && rockputtingdownmode == false){
rockx[rockbeingcarried] = xpos;
rocky[rockbeingcarried] = ypos-rockheight[rockbeingcarried];
playerpickuprock = false;
//System.out.println("player picked up rock done.");
if( isonrock && isjumping == false && isfalling == false){
if(playeronrock(0,1) == false ){
//System.out.println("Falling down - is not on rock");
isfalling = true;
gravity = 0;
isonrock = false;
if(playermoveright && rockputtingdownmode == false && rockliftingmode == false){
if(playermoveleft && rockputtingdownmode == false && rockliftingmode == false){
gravity -= gravityinc;
for(int z = 0 ; z < gravity ; z++ ){
if( gravity <= 0 ){
isjumping = false;
isfalling = true;
gravity = 0;
//System.out.println("End of jumping");
int zz=0;
gravity += gravityinc;
for( int z = 0 ; z < gravity ; z++){
if(iscollision(xpos,ypos+1) == true) zz=1;
if(playeronrock(0,1) == true) zz=2;
if(zz > 0){
isfalling = false;
if(zz == 2) isonrock = true;
if(zz == 1) isonrock = false;
//System.out.println("End of falling " + zz);
public void run() {
for(;;) { // animation loop never ends
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
public void paint(Graphics g)
public boolean mouseMove(Event e, int x, int y)
//mouseX = x;
//mouseY = y;
//System.out.println( rocktopcollide(x,y,1) );
return true;
public void update(Graphics g)
bufferGraphics.drawString("Rocks Game Example",10,10);
bufferGraphics.drawString("Use cursor left and right and z to jump and x to crouch.",10,getSize().height-12);
bufferGraphics.drawString("Use a to pick up while crouched rock and throw.",10,getSize().height-3);
if(playersquated == false ){
// draw rocks;
for(int n = 0 ; n < numrocks ; n++){
//System.out.println("locy in draw : " + rocky.get(n));
if( rocktype[n] == 1 ){
bufferGraphics.drawImage( rock1 , rockx[n] , rocky[n] , this);
bufferGraphics.drawImage( rock2 , rockx[n] , rocky[n] , this);
for(int i = 0; i<10 ; i++){
if (debugrect[i][0] == 1){
public boolean keyUp (Event e, int key){
if(key == Event.LEFT){
playermoveleft = false;
if(key == Event.RIGHT){
playermoveright = false;
if(key == 120 && isjumping == false && isfalling == false){ // x key
endsquat = true;
// pick up rock..
if(key == 97 && playersquated && playercaryingrock == false){ //97 . a key
playerpickuprock = true;
// throw rock
if(key == 97 && playersquated == false && playercaryingrock){ // a key
playerthrowrock = true;
// put rock back on the ground
if( key == 97 && playersquated && playercaryingrock && playerpickuprock == false){ // a key
playerputrockback = true;
//System.out.println("Put rock back on the ground..");
return true;
public boolean keyDown (Event e, int key){
// move left
if(key==Event.LEFT && playersquated == false ){
playermoveleft = true;
playermoveright = false;
playerfacingleft = true;
playerfacingright = false;
// move right
if(key==Event.RIGHT && playersquated == false ){
playermoveright = true;
playermoveleft = false;
playerfacingright = true;
playerfacingleft = false;
// squat
if(key == 120 && isjumping == false && isfalling == false && playersquated == false){ // x key // squat
startsquat = true;
// Jump
if(key == 122 && isjumping == false && isfalling == false){//z key / jump
if(playersquated == false ){
//System.out.println("Jump key pressed");
isjumping = true;
gravity = startingjumpspeed;
//if(debugmode) System.out.println("Key touched : " + key);
return true;
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