zondag 5 juni 2011

Platformer Bump Head into Tiles Example.

I made this example this weekend. In the game mario you can bump your head into tiles and they will spawn presents out of them. Above in the applet I made something like that. Click in the applet to activate it and use the cursor keys and space to move around in the map. Use space to bump into the yellow tiles and after a number of times a presents will be put ontop of it.


import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

public class PlatformerHitTiles01 extends Applet implements Runnable {
 // Graphics for double buffering.
 Graphics    bufferGraphics;
    Image     offscreen;
 private short map[][]={
 int     mapwidth =    20;
 int      mapheight =   13;
 int      cellwidth =   16;
 int      cellheight =   16;
 double     px =     200;
 double    py =    100;
 int     pwidth =    cellwidth/2;
 int     pheight =    cellheight;
 boolean    isjumping =   false;
 boolean    isfalling =   false;
 double    gravity =    0;
 boolean    ismovingright =  false;
 boolean    ismovingleft =   false;
 double    jumpforce =   3;
 short    numhitblocks =  32;
 double[][]   hitblocks =   new double[numhitblocks][9];    // 0 - active , 1 - x
                   // 2 - y , 3 - type
                   // 4 - numhits(how many times to jump into for present)
                   // 5 - jump , 6 - jumpgravity , 7 - falling
                   // 8 - incy;
 int     currenthitblock =  0;
 int     numpresents =   32;
 double[][]   presents =    new double[numpresents][9];  // 0 - active , 1 - x
                   // 2 - y

 public void init() {
        offscreen = createImage(getSize().width,getSize().height);
     bufferGraphics = offscreen.getGraphics();
  new Thread(this).start();


 public void initmap(){
  // initialize the hit tiles (the blocks you jump into)
  int counter = 0;
  for ( int y = 0 ; y < mapheight ; y++ ){
   for ( int x = 0 ; x < mapwidth ; x++ ){
    if ( map[x][y] == 2 ){
     hitblocks[counter][0] = 1;
     hitblocks[counter][1] = x * cellwidth;
     hitblocks[counter][2] = y * cellheight;
     hitblocks[counter][3] = 0;
     hitblocks[counter][4] = 3;

 public void paint(Graphics g) {

    public void run() {
        for(;;) { // animation loop never ends
         try {
             catch (InterruptedException e) {

    public void updateplayer(){

  if ( isjumping == false && isfalling == false ){
   if( mapcollision( (int)px , (int)py+1 , pwidth , pheight ) == false ){
    isfalling = true;
    gravity = 0;
  if (ismovingright){
   if ( mapcollision( (int)(px + 1) , (int)py , pwidth , pheight ) == false ){
    px += 1;
  if (ismovingleft){
   if ( mapcollision( (int)(px - 1) , (int)py , pwidth , pheight ) == false ){
    px -= 1;

  if ( isfalling == true && isjumping == false ){
   for ( int i = 0 ; i < gravity ; i++ ){
    if ( mapcollision ( (int)px , (int)(py + 1) , pwidth , pheight ) == false ){
     py += 1;
     gravity = 0;
     isfalling = false;
   gravity += .1;

  if ( isjumping == true && isfalling == false ){
   for ( int i = 0 ; i < gravity ; i++){
    if ( mapcollision ( (int)px , (int)(py - 1) , pwidth , pheight ) == false ){
     if ( hitblockcollision ( (int)px , (int)(py - 1) , pwidth , pheight ) == false ){
      py -= 1;
      gravity = 0;
      isfalling = true;
      isjumping = false;
      hitblocks[currenthitblock][4] -= 1;
      hitblocks[currenthitblock][5] = 1;
      if( hitblocks[currenthitblock][4] < 0 ){
       hitblocks[currenthitblock][0] = 0;
       map[ (int)hitblocks[currenthitblock][1] / cellwidth ][ (int)hitblocks[currenthitblock][2] / cellheight ] = 1;
       newpresent((int)hitblocks[currenthitblock][1] / cellwidth , ((int)hitblocks[currenthitblock][2] / cellheight ) - 1);
     //System.out.print("still jumping : " + gravity);
     gravity = 0;
     isfalling = true;
     isjumping = false;

   if( gravity < 1 ) {
    gravity = 0;
    isfalling = true;
    isjumping = false;
   gravity -= .1;


 public void updatepresents(){
  for( int i = 0 ; i < numpresents ; i++ ){
   if( presents[i][0] == 1 ){
    Rectangle rec1 = new Rectangle( (int)px,
    Rectangle rec2 = new Rectangle( (int)presents[i][1],
    if (rec1.intersects( rec2 )){
     presents[i][0] = 0;

 public boolean hitblockcollision( int x , int y , int width , int height ){
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < numhitblocks ; i++ ){
   if( hitblocks[i][0] == 1 ){
    Rectangle rec1 = new Rectangle( x , y , width , height );
    Rectangle rec2 = new Rectangle( (int)hitblocks[i][1],
    if( rec1.intersects( rec2 )){
     currenthitblock = i;
     return true;
  return false;

  public boolean mapcollision( int x , int y , int width , int height ){
   int mapx = x / cellwidth;
   int mapy = y / cellheight;
   for ( int y1 = mapy - 1 ; y1 < mapy + 2 ; y1++ ){
    for ( int x1 = mapx - 1 ; x1 < mapx + 2 ; x1++ ){
     if ( x1 >= 0 && x1 < mapwidth && y1 >= 0 && y1 < mapheight ){
      if ( map[x1][y1] == 1 ){
       Rectangle rec1 = new Rectangle( x , y , width , height );
      Rectangle rec2 = new Rectangle( x1 * cellwidth,
              y1 * cellheight,
      if( rec1.intersects( rec2 )) return true;
  return false;

 public boolean newpresent(int x, int y){
  for( int i = 0 ; i < numpresents ; i++){
   if ( presents[i][0] == 0 ) {
    presents[i][1] = x * cellwidth;
    presents[i][2] = y * cellheight;
    presents[i][0] = 1;
    return true;
  return false;

   public boolean mouseMove(Event e, int x, int y){
  return true;

 public void updatehitblocks(){
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < numhitblocks ; i++ ){
   if( hitblocks[i][0] == 1 ){
    if( hitblocks[i][5] == 1 ){
     hitblocks[i][6] -= hitblocks[i][8];
     hitblocks[i][8] += .1;
     if( hitblocks[i][6] < -6 ) {
      hitblocks[i][5] = 0;
      hitblocks[i][7] = 1;
      hitblocks[i][8] = 0;
    if( hitblocks[i][7] == 1 ){
     hitblocks[i][6] += hitblocks[i][8];
     hitblocks[i][8] += .1;
     if( hitblocks[i][6] > 0 ){
      hitblocks[i][6] = 0;
      hitblocks[i][7] = 0;
      hitblocks[i][8] = 0;

    public void update(Graphics g){
        bufferGraphics.drawString("Platformer Springies Example.",10,10);

        // Draw map
        for( int y = 0 ; y < mapheight ; y++ ){
         for ( int x = 0 ; x < mapwidth ; x++){
          if( map[x][y] == 1 ){
           bufferGraphics.fillRect( x * cellwidth , y * cellheight , cellwidth , cellheight );

  // Draw hitblocks
  bufferGraphics.setColor( new Color(255,255,0));
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < numhitblocks ; i++ ){
   if( hitblocks[i][0] == 1 ) {
    bufferGraphics.fillRect(  (int)hitblocks[i][1],
           (int)hitblocks[i][2] + (int)hitblocks[i][6] ,

  // Draw presents
  bufferGraphics.setColor( new Color(0,255,0));
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < numpresents ; i++){
   if ( presents[i][0] == 1 ){
    bufferGraphics.fillOval( (int)presents[i][1],
        // Draw player
        bufferGraphics.fillRect( (int)px , (int)py , pwidth , pheight );


  public boolean keyDown (Event e, int key){
    if( key == Event.LEFT )
         ismovingleft = true;
          ismovingright = true;

      if( key == 32 ) // space bar for jump
        if( isfalling == false && isjumping == false )
            isjumping = true;
            gravity = jumpforce;

        System.out.println (" Integer Value: " + key);

   return true;

 public boolean keyUp (Event e, int key){
    if( key == Event.LEFT )
          ismovingleft = false;
        if( key == Event.RIGHT )
          ismovingright = false;

  return true;


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