vrijdag 16 maart 2012

a* (aStar) pathfinding example

I finally made the a* in Java. I spend the last two weeks typing the a* algorithm in Blitz basic. I typed it in about 13 times before I decided to type it into Java. I think I did it without creating errors.
The source code is below.

Anyone may use the code for their own. No credit is required.

Edit : there is a little problem with the code. The arraylist setup lacks the <Integer> parts. You need to add those to the code if you want to run it. It was removed becourse the < characters are HTML codes.


import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class astarpathfindingexample01 extends Applet {

 int map[][] ={
 int mapwidth = 9;
 int mapheight = 9;
 int cellwidth = 32;
 int cellheight = 24;

 int sx,sy,ex,ey;

 // Open list ( x, y, f, g, h, parentx, parenty )
 ArrayList olx = new ArrayList();
 ArrayList oly = new ArrayList();
 ArrayList olf = new ArrayList();
 ArrayList olg = new ArrayList();
 ArrayList olh = new ArrayList();
 ArrayList olpx = new ArrayList();
 ArrayList olpy = new ArrayList();
 // Closed list ( x, y, f, g, h, parentx, parenty )
 ArrayList clx = new ArrayList();
 ArrayList cly = new ArrayList();
 ArrayList clf = new ArrayList();
 ArrayList clg = new ArrayList();
 ArrayList clh = new ArrayList();
 ArrayList clpx = new ArrayList();
 ArrayList clpy = new ArrayList();
 // Path
 ArrayList px = new ArrayList();
 ArrayList py = new ArrayList();

 public void init() {


 public void findpathback(){
  boolean exitloop = false;
  int x = ex;
  int y = ey;
  while ( exitloop == false ){
   for ( int i = 0 ; i < clx.size() ; i++ ){
    if ( clx.get( i ) == x && cly.get( i ) == y ){
     x = clpx.get( i );
     y = clpy.get( i );
     px.add( x );
     py.add( y );
   if ( x == sx && y == sy ) {
    exitloop = true;

 public boolean removefromopenlist( int x , int y ){
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < olx.size() ; i++ ){
   if ( olx.get(i) == x && oly.get(i) == y ){
    return true;
  return false;

 public boolean isonclosedlist( int x , int y ){
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < clx.size() ; i++ ){
   if ( clx.get(i) == x && cly.get(i) == y ) {
    return true;
  return false;

 public boolean isonopenlist( int x , int y ){
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < olx.size() ; i++){
   if ( olx.get(i) == x && oly.get(i) == y ){
    return true;
  return false;

 public boolean openlistisempty(){
  if ( olx.size() > 0 ) {
   return false;
  return true;

 public void setcoordinates(){
  boolean exitloop = false;
  while ( exitloop == false ){
   sx = (int)( Math.random() * mapwidth );
   sy = (int)( Math.random() * mapheight );
   ex = (int)( Math.random() * mapwidth );
   ey = (int)( Math.random() * mapheight );
   if ( map[ sy ][ sx ] == 0 && map[ ey ][ ex ] == 0 ){
    if ( sx != ex && sy != ey ){
     exitloop = true;

 public void findpath(){
  // Clear all the pathfinding data
  // Move the start position onto the open list
  olx.add( sx );
  oly.add( sy );
  olf.add( 0 );
  olg.add( 0 );
  olh.add( 0 );
  olpx.add( 0 );
  olpy.add( 0 );
  boolean exitloop = false;
  int tx = 0;
  int ty = 0;
  int tf = 0;
  int tg = 0;
  int th = 0;
  int tpx = 0;
  int tpy = 0;
  int newx = 0;
  int newy = 0;
  int lowestf = 0;
  while ( exitloop == false ){
   // If the open list is empty then exit loop
   if ( openlistisempty() == true ){
    exitloop = true;
   // Get the lowest f value position from the
   // open list and use that.
   lowestf = 100000;
   for ( int i = 0 ; i < olx.size() ; i++ ){
    if ( olf.get( i ) < lowestf ) {
     lowestf = olf.get( i );
     tx = olx.get( i );
     ty = oly.get( i );
     tf = olf.get( i );
     tg = olg.get( i );
     th = olh.get( i );
     tpx = olpx.get( i );
     tpy = olpy.get( i );
   // if the current position is the end position then
   // path was found.
   if ( tx == ex && ty == ey ){
    exitloop = true;
    clx.add( tx );
    cly.add( ty );
    clf.add( tf );
    clg.add( tg );
    clh.add( th );
    clpx.add( tpx );
    clpy.add( tpy );
    // Move the current position onto the closed list
    clx.add( tx );
    cly.add( ty );
    clf.add( tf );
    clg.add( tg );
    clh.add( th );
    clpx.add( tpx );
    clpy.add( tpy );
    // Remove the current position from the open is
    removefromopenlist( tx , ty );
    // Get the eight positions from around the current
    // position and move them onto the open list.
    newx = tx - 1;
    newy = ty - 1;
    if ( newx > -1 && newy > -1 && newx < mapwidth + 1 && newy < mapheight + 1 ){
    if ( isonopenlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( isonclosedlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( map[ newy ][ newx ] == 0 ){
     olx.add( newx );
     oly.add( newy );
     olg.add( tg + 1 );
     olh.add( distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ));
     olf.add( ( tg + 1 ) + distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ) );
     olpx.add( tx );
     olpy.add( ty );
    newx = tx;
    newy = ty - 1;
    if ( newx > -1 && newy > -1 && newx < mapwidth + 1 && newy < mapheight + 1 ){
    if ( isonopenlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( isonclosedlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( map[ newy ][ newx ] == 0 ){
     olx.add( newx );
     oly.add( newy );
     olg.add( tg + 1 );
     olh.add( distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ));
     olf.add( ( tg + 1 ) + distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ) );
     olpx.add( tx );
     olpy.add( ty );
    newx = tx + 1;
    newy = ty - 1;
    if ( newx > -1 && newy > -1 && newx < mapwidth + 1 && newy < mapheight + 1 ){
    if ( isonopenlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( isonclosedlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( map[ newy ][ newx ] == 0 ){
     olx.add( newx );
     oly.add( newy );
     olg.add( tg + 1 );
     olh.add( distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ));
     olf.add( ( tg + 1 ) + distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ) );
     olpx.add( tx );
     olpy.add( ty );
    newx = tx - 1;
    newy = ty;
    if ( newx > -1 && newy > -1 && newx < mapwidth + 1 && newy < mapheight + 1 ){
    if ( isonopenlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( isonclosedlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( map[ newy ][ newx ] == 0 ){
     olx.add( newx );
     oly.add( newy );
     olg.add( tg + 1 );
     olh.add( distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ));
     olf.add( ( tg + 1 ) + distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ) );
     olpx.add( tx );
     olpy.add( ty );
    newx = tx + 1;
    newy = ty;
    if ( newx > -1 && newy > -1 && newx < mapwidth + 1 && newy < mapheight + 1 ){
    if ( isonopenlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( isonclosedlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( map[ newy ][ newx ] == 0 ){
     olx.add( newx );
     oly.add( newy );
     olg.add( tg + 1 );
     olh.add( distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ));
     olf.add( ( tg + 1 ) + distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ) );
     olpx.add( tx );
     olpy.add( ty );
    newx = tx - 1;
    newy = ty + 1;
    if ( newx > -1 && newy > -1 && newx < mapwidth + 1 && newy < mapheight + 1 ){
    if ( isonopenlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( isonclosedlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( map[ newy ][ newx ] == 0 ){
     olx.add( newx );
     oly.add( newy );
     olg.add( tg + 1 );
     olh.add( distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ));
     olf.add( ( tg + 1 ) + distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ) );
     olpx.add( tx );
     olpy.add( ty );
    newx = tx;
    newy = ty + 1;
    if ( newx > -1 && newy > -1 && newx < mapwidth + 1 && newy < mapheight + 1 ){
    if ( isonopenlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( isonclosedlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( map[ newy ][ newx ] == 0 ){
     olx.add( newx );
     oly.add( newy );
     olg.add( tg + 1 );
     olh.add( distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ));
     olf.add( ( tg + 1 ) + distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ) );
     olpx.add( tx );
     olpy.add( ty );
    newx = tx + 1;
    newy = ty + 1;
    if ( newx > -1 && newy > -1 && newx < mapwidth + 1 && newy < mapheight + 1 ){
    if ( isonopenlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( isonclosedlist( newx , newy ) == false ){
    if ( map[ newy ][ newx ] == 0 ){
     olx.add( newx );
     oly.add( newy );
     olg.add( tg + 1 );
     olh.add( distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ));
     olf.add( ( tg + 1 ) + distance( newx , newy , ex , ey ) );
     olpx.add( tx );
     olpy.add( ty );



 public int distance( int x1 , int y1 , int x2 , int y2 ){
  int distance=(int)Math.sqrt( ( x1 - x2 ) * ( x1 - x2 ) + ( y1 - y2 ) * ( y1 - y2 ) ) ;
  return distance;

 public void paint(Graphics g) {

  // Draw the map on the applet window
  g.setColor( Color.blue );
  for ( int y = 0 ; y < mapheight ; y++ ){
  for ( int x = 0 ; x < mapwidth ; x++ ){
   if ( map[ y ][ x ] == 1 ){
    g.fillRect( x * cellwidth , y * cellheight , cellwidth , cellheight );
  // Draw the start position on the applet window
  g.setColor( Color.green );
  g.fillOval( sx * cellwidth + 4 , sy * cellheight + 4 , 8 , 8 );
  g.setColor( Color.red );
  g.fillOval( ex * cellwidth + 4 , ey * cellheight + 4 , 8 , 8 );

  // Draw the path
  g.setColor( Color.yellow );
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < px.size() ; i++ ){
   g.fillOval( px.get( i ) * cellwidth + 8 , py.get( i ) * cellheight + 8 , 8 , 8 );


dinsdag 6 maart 2012

finally did it. a* working

I finally have a working a* function working on my computer and made it myself. I had bought the book "ai for game developers" and read through the chapter on pathfinding. I had a few mistypes that caused bugs but I was able to repair those. The code is in another language at the moment. In blitz basic 3d. This since I have more experience with that language. I will code the a* in Java in the future.

I will make a applet with a* pathfinding I think this weekend.

zondag 4 maart 2012

Random Obstacle Avoidance Example

From the book ai for game developers. Random Obstacle Avoidance. The white block moves through the map and avoids the green trees. Below the code that shows how it is done.


import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class RandomObstacleAvoidanceExample001 extends Applet implements Runnable{
 Graphics bufferGraphics;
    Image offscreen;
 int sx , sy , ex , ey; // start and end position
 int px , py; // player position
 long delay;
 private int map[][] =  new int[][]{
 public void init(){
  setBackground( Color.black );
     offscreen = createImage(getSize().width,getSize().height);
     bufferGraphics = offscreen.getGraphics();
  px = sx;
  py = sy;
  new Thread(this).start();
    public void run() {
     for(;;) { // animation loop never ends
         try {
             catch (InterruptedException e) {
 public void update (Graphics g)
  bufferGraphics.clearRect( 0 , 0 , getSize().width , getSize().height );
     bufferGraphics.setColor ( Color.white );
     bufferGraphics.drawString( "Random Obstacle Avoidance." , 10 , 10 );
  bufferGraphics.setColor( Color.green );
  // draw map
  for ( int y = 0 ; y < 15 ; y++ ){
   for ( int x = 0 ; x < 20 ; x++ ){
    if ( map[ y ][ x ] == 1 ){
     bufferGraphics.fillOval( x * 16 , y * 16 , 16 , 16 );
  // draw end and start position
  bufferGraphics.setColor( Color.red );
  bufferGraphics.fillRect( sx * 16 , sy * 16 , 16 , 16 );
  bufferGraphics.setColor( Color.yellow );
  bufferGraphics.fillRect( ex * 16 , ey * 16 , 16 , 16 );
  // draw player
  bufferGraphics.setColor( Color.white );
  bufferGraphics.fillRect( px * 16 , py * 16 , 16 , 16 );


  public void moveplayer(){
   if ( delay < System.currentTimeMillis() ){
    int newx = px;
    int newy = py;
    if ( px < ex ){
    if ( px > ex ){
    if ( py < ey ){
    if ( py > ey ){
    if ( map[ newy ][ newx ] == 1 ){
     boolean newposfound = false;
     newx = px;
     newy = py;
     while ( newposfound == false ){
      if ( (int)(Math.random() * 2 ) == 0 ){
      if ( (int)(Math.random() * 2 ) == 0 ){
      if ( map[ newy ][ newx ] == 0 ){
       newposfound = true;
    px = newx;
    py = newy;
    if ( px == ex && py == ey ){
    px = sx;
    py = sy;
    delay = System.currentTimeMillis() + 200;
 public void setstartposition(){
  if (  (int)( Math.random() * 2 ) == 0 ){
   sx = ( int )( Math.random() * 6 );
   sy = 0;
   sx = 0;
   sy = ( int )( Math.random() * 6 );
 public void setendposition(){
  if (  (int)( Math.random() * 2 ) == 0 ){
   ex = 20 - ( int )( Math.random() * 6 );
   ey = 14;
   ex = 19;
   ey = 14 - ( int )( Math.random() * 6 );
