zondag 21 augustus 2011

String Compare - Comparing Strings - equals

I needed this to code the Sim City road connection example. I could not get the == thing comaring working so I looked up how to compare strings with each other. This is done with equals. That worked for me. Below you can see how it is done.


 * @(#)StringCompare01.java
 * StringCompare01 Applet application
 * @author
 * @version 1.00 2011/7/21

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

public class StringCompare01 extends Applet {

	public void init() {

	public void paint(Graphics g) {

		String banana = "";

		for ( int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++){
			banana = banana + "0";
		if ( banana.equals("000000000")) {
			g.drawString("String equals 000000000", 50, 90 );

		g.drawString("Welcome to Java!!", 50, 60 );


Sim City Road System - Auto Connect roads

I learned to do this in the 90's. I first saw it I think in Sim City. Where you lay roads and they automatically change to connect with each other. It is a magical thing when you see it. It is also used in games like Civilization where roads and railroads connect with each other.

Press the mouse in the applet to see the new road and click near the last road to connect the roads together.


import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

public class SimCityRoadSystem01 extends Applet {
	Random	r = new Random();
	Graphics bufferGraphics;
    Image offscreen;
	short[][] map = new short[20][15];
	short[][] roadmap = new short[20][15];
	BufferedImage roads[] = new BufferedImage[17];

	private short road[][][]={
							// road 0 - connects to all

							// road 1 - connects to all
							// road 2 - connects top to center
							// road 3 - connects right to center
							// road 4 - connects bottom to center
							// road 5 - connects left to center
							// road 6 - connects top and right to center
							// road 7 - connects top and bottom to center
							// road 8 - connects top and left to center
							// road 9 - connects top and bottom and right to center
							// road 10- connects top and bottom and left to center
							// road 11 - connects right and bottom to center
							// road 12 - connects left and right to center
							// road 13 - connects left and bottom to center
							// road 14 - connects left and bottom to center
							// road 15 - connects left and bottom to center
							// road 16 - connects top and left and bottom to center


    public void init(){
        Graphics2D g;

        offscreen = createImage(getSize().width,getSize().height);
       	bufferGraphics = offscreen.getGraphics();

		for ( int i = 0 ; i < 17 ; i++){
			roads[i] = new BufferedImage(16,16,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
 			g = roads[i].createGraphics();
			for ( int y = 0 ; y < 8 ; y++){
				for ( int x = 0 ; x < 8 ; x++){
					if (road[i][x][y] == 1) {
						g.setColor(new Color(150,150,150,255));
					if (road[i][x][y] == 0) {
							g.setColor(new Color(0,0,0,0));


	public boolean doroadmap( int x , int y ){
		if ( x < 0 ) return false;
		if ( x > 19 ) return false;
		if ( y < 0 ) return false;
		if ( y > 14 ) return false;
		String roadsit;

		roadsit = "";

		if ( roadmap[x][y] == 1 ) roadsit=roadsit + "1";

		if ( y - 1 < 0 ) {
			roadsit = roadsit + "0";
			if ( roadmap[x][y-1] == 1 ) {
				roadsit=roadsit + "1";
				roadsit=roadsit + "0";
		if ( x - 1 < 0 ) {
			roadsit = roadsit + "0";
			if ( roadmap[x - 1][y] == 1 ){
				roadsit = roadsit + "1";
				roadsit = roadsit + "0";
		if ( x + 1 > 19 ) {
			roadsit = roadsit + "0";
			if ( roadmap[ x + 1 ][ y ] == 1 ){
				roadsit = roadsit + "1";
				roadsit = roadsit + "0";
		if ( y + 1 > 14 ){
			roadsit = roadsit + "0";
			if ( roadmap[x][y+1] == 1 ){
				roadsit = roadsit + "1";
				roadsit = roadsit + "0";

		if ( roadsit.equals("10000") ) map[x][y] = 1;
		if ( roadsit.equals("11000") ) map[x][y] = 2;
		if ( roadsit.equals("10010") ) map[x][y] = 3;
		if ( roadsit.equals("10001") ) map[x][y] = 4;
		if ( roadsit.equals("10100") ) map[x][y] = 5;
		if ( roadsit.equals("11010") ) map[x][y] = 6;
		if ( roadsit.equals("11001") ) map[x][y] = 7;
		if ( roadsit.equals("11100") ) map[x][y] = 8;
		if ( roadsit.equals("11011") ) map[x][y] = 9;
		if ( roadsit.equals("11101") ) map[x][y] = 10;
		if ( roadsit.equals("10011") ) map[x][y] = 11;
		if ( roadsit.equals("10110") ) map[x][y] = 12;
		if ( roadsit.equals("10101") ) map[x][y] = 13;
		if ( roadsit.equals("11110") ) map[x][y] = 14;
		if ( roadsit.equals("10111") ) map[x][y] = 15;
		if ( roadsit.equals("11111") ) map[x][y] = 16;

		return true;


 	public boolean mouseDown (Event e, int x, int y) {
        if (e.modifiers == Event.META_MASK) {
        //    info=("Right Button Pressed");
        } else if (e.modifiers == Event.ALT_MASK) {
        //    info=("Middle Button Pressed");
        } else {
        //   info=("Left Button Pressed");
//        	System.out.println( "left mouse pressed ");
        	roadmap[ x / 16 ][ y / 16 ] = 1;
        	for ( int y1 = -1 ; y1 <=1 ; y1++ ){
        		for ( int x1 = -1 ; x1 <=1 ; x1++ ) {
            		doroadmap ( ( x / 16 ) + x1  ,  ( y / 16 ) + y1  );
        return true;
	public void paint(Graphics g){
        bufferGraphics.drawString("Sim City Road System.",10,10);
		bufferGraphics.drawString("Press the mouse on the applet ",10,20);
     	bufferGraphics.drawString("to lay roads.",10,30);

		for ( int x = 0 ; x < 20 ; x++ ) {
			for ( int y = 0 ; y < 15 ; y++ ) {
				bufferGraphics.drawImage( roads[map[ x ][ y ]] , x * 16 , y * 16 , this );


    public void update(Graphics g){

Gaming and surfing.

I a'm playing games and not doing any programming. I also spend a lot of time surfing the Internet. I have almost 1500 visits to my weblog here since I started. This is quite a lot. Certain code gets a good number of hits.

I have a couple of posts ready to be published. One is a Sim City road thing. In that applet roads automatically connect to the neighbouring road. I learned to do this in the 90's. It is one of the best things I can do. I am not that great a coder.

I do not know when I will start programming again and when I will add those last code posts to the blog. Maybe I will do it next.

The games I have bought with Steam and am playing are not that good. The notebook has a touchpad and it is buggy in games. Civilization 3 was the most adictive game I played in a long time. I can program a couple of features from that game myself. I like spending time figuring out how certain things can be programmed from the games that I play a lot.
At the moment I am listening to music from the Mod archive. I downloaded gigabytes of mod music and am compiling a list of the best music which I will probably blog sometimes when it is big enough. There is not a lot of good music in the gigabytes of music. But sometimes there is a good song to be heared. Some of my own music is in the Mod archive. I already heared one song while listening to the collection in random.

I bought this book on artificial intelligence and am sorry I spend money on it. I sometimes check it and have learned something though. How to correct paths with the pathfinding thing.

I do spend time thinking of programming. I have a 4 thread computer and am not able to find a good source of multithreaded programming programming information. The dual core 2.66 ghz processor I have is fast and I  do not read anything on how to use the speed to the max. I use one thread of the 4 available. This is bad. In a couple of years I will probably have a 4 or 6 core processor so I wonder why I have such a hard time finding multithread examples or a new language that has this automatically done.
Java is the most used language on the planet according to certain sources so there is more on the web about it I guess. I am dissapointed that there is so little good and cool examples and tutorials on how to program things from games. I really would like to program my own Civilization and Command and Conquer and other things. But the Internet is only 20 years old and such and things are hard to find.

Java 7 is out and is broken I read. The loops are not working as they should. I read I should wait a couple of months until the bugs are repaired. What I can find on Java 7 is not that much. Nothing about speed increases of multicore things. Still I will upgrade when the problems are repaired.

I follow a few things on the Internet. One is the P Project. This is a blog about remaking Powermonger. I got the idea to buy that Artificial Intelligence book from that Blog. There is not that much activity in programming on that blog. But I do follow it. Though the graphical direction it is going into is discouraging. I was hoping for a remake of Powermonger with as much as layout and style alikeness as possible.